Current Position:
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Equipment operation technician

  • Education requirements:High school and technical secondary school education
  • Number of recruits:6
  • Location:No. 1, Chuangxin Road, Xiaozhan Industrial Park, Jinnan District, Tianjin
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Male only, aged 18-38 years, outsiders provide apartment accommodation.

Education requirements: high school, technical secondary school or above.

Job description:

Automatic production equipment operator, relevant working experience is preferred. Work carefully, have strong learning ability, obey the arrangement of leaders, have a sense of team, have good execution ability, be able to adapt to two shifts, and have overtime and flexible working hours according to production tasks.

Salary: comprehensive salary of 4500-6000 yuan, social insurance, apartment accommodation, two free working meals, heatstroke prevention and cooling fee, heating fee, holiday welfare, paid annual leave, employee travel, etc.

Note: all resumes will be fed back within 2 working days. Thank you for your support and understanding!

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  • Education requirements:高中及中专技校学历
  • Number of recruits:6
  • Location:天津市津南区小站工业园区创新道1号
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Note: all resumes will be fed back within 2 working days. Thank you for your support and understanding!

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